By Emily Coverstone
In August of 2022, the beloved Auburn-Garrett Drive-In was destroyed by a blusterous storm that tore down half of the historic screen and damaged the surrounding areas.
The Drive-In, built in the 1950’s, remains as one of Indiana’s few remaining Drive-In theaters as well as one of garrets most iconic and beloved living classics for all ages. With low concession prices like sodas, popcorn, and even slices of pizza, both children and adults could enjoy the constantly changing double featured films provided throughout the spring.
Julie Yarde, owner of the property and permanent fixtures of the now 70-year old drive-in, has worked with insurance adjusters, engineers and contractors to get the theater up and running once more before the 2023 season. At the moment, it isn’t looking to promising.
A total of $278,000 is needed for the repairs, including $181,216 for materials, $54,480 for fabrication and $32,804 for erection. The costs include the already existing footers, but it does not cover demolition costs of what is left of the structure.
After realizing that the theater was insured for only $60,000, Laura Glaser, daughter-in-law of Yarde, has set up a GoFundme to get some funds for the costly rebuild of the screen.
“I am being as transparent as I can. I have nothing to hide. I was under-insured—unknowingly under-insured,” said Yarde during an interview with KPC news while addressing the negative comments throughout Facebook. “I have never defaulted on my insurance.”

Now being up for almost 5 months, the goal the community is looking to reach is $250,000, and at the moment $17,250 has been raised.
According to KPC News, there are thoughts of gifting back the portions of the salvaged screen to donors and other interested parties.
100% of all funds raised will solely go to the rebuilding of the screen as well as improving the drive-in such as bathrooms and concessions, so more generations can enjoy and make memories at the Auburn-Garrett Drive-In.
For more information or if you would like to donate, please click on the link